5 Critical Key
Decisive Desire
Vivid Vision
Enlightened Mentors
Specialized System
Inspired Intuition
Millionaire Question
1. What do you want ?
..... you'll find a way !
..... you'll find an excuse !
"Make your Dream more real then your fear !"
2. Do I have multiple streams of income ?3. Do I earn money when I sleep ?
4. Am I following the right mentor ?
5. The power of a system ?
" The Best are Always Free"
6. What is my purpose ?
7. What's my Millionaire dollar idea ?
Five Rings of Riches
Ring 1
Acheiving success in a core expertise
- Being a Expert, CO-owner, Franchise
Ring 2
Specific Know-How Teaching other core expertise
- Author, Desk-top publisher, Seminar Promoter, Public Speaker, Video Product, Audio
Product, Newletters, Computer Program, CD-Rom, One to One Consulthing, Licensing
Ring 3
Generated Know-How Teaching other success skills
- Success Speaker, Leadership, Goal Setting, Time Management, Sales Training, Team Building, Strees, Success, Motivation, Management, Marketing, Computer, Financial Analyst
Ring 4
Database Marketing to your core list
- Mailing list rental, Lead generator, Join Venture partner, Direct Marketer
Ring 5
Support Services to Infopreneurs
- Printer, Copywriter, Audio produce, Editorial Services, Mailing List broker, Graphics artist, Ghost Writer, Speech coarch